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Word frequency indices
Total frequency [ freq_corp_abs ]
Frequency per million words [ freq_corp_mil ]
Log10 frequency [ freq_corp_log ]
Squared log frequency [ freq_corp_mil_log_sqr ]
Log frequency [ freq_corp_abs_log ]
Frequency per million words / N [ freq_corp_mil_log_n ]
Zipf frequency values [ freq_corp_zipf ]
Morphosyntactic indices
Part of Speech (PoS) [ morf_cat ]
Word subclass [ morf_type ]
Higher-frequency grammatical category [ morf_max_cat ]
Percentage of occurrence of the higher-frequency grammatical category [ morf_max_d ]
Frequency value of the higher-frequency grammatical category [ morf_max_freq ]
Remaining grammatical categories of the word [ morf_others_cat ]
Percentage of occurrence of the remaining categories of the word [ morf_others_d ]
Grammatical gender [ morf_gen ]
Grammatical number [ morf_num ]
Loanword [ morf_est ]
Orthographic indices
Number of letters [ ort_nlet ]
Orthographic consonant-vowel structure [ ort_cv ]
Repeated letters [ ort_let_rep ]
Backward spelling [ ort_inv ]
Number of orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_tot ]
Mean frequency of orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_tot_med ]
List of orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_tot_list ]
Number of higher frequency orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_tot_el ]
Mean frequency of higher frequency orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_tot_el_med ]
List of higher frequency orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_tot_el_list ]
Frequency of the highest frequency orthographic neighbor [ ort_neig_subs_tot_el_freq_max ]
Highest frequency orthographic neighbor [ ort_neig_subs_tot_el_max ]
Spread [ ort_neig_subs_spr ]
Number of positions with higher frequency orthographic neighbors [ ort_neig_subs_spr_freq_el ]
Orthographic uniqueness point [ ort_neig_pu ]
Levenshtein Distance [ ort_neig_dl ]
Other neighbors
Addition neighbors
Deletion neighbors
Transposed-letter neighbors
Phonographic neighbors
Addition neighbors
Number of addition neighbors [ ort_neig_ad_tot ]
Mean frequency of addition neighbors [ ort_neig_ad_tot_med ]
List of addition neighbors [ ort_neig_ad_tot_list ]
Deletion neighbors
Number of deletion neighbors [ ort_neig_subt_tot ]
Mean frequency of deletion neighbors [ ort_neig_subt_tot_med ]
List of deletion neighbors [ ort_neig_subt_tot_list ]
Transposed-letter neighbors
Number of transposed-letter neighbors [ ort_neig_adj_tot ]
Mean frequency of transposed-letter neighbors [ ort_neig_adj_tot_med ]
List of transposed-letter neighbors [ ort_neig_adj_tot_list ]
Phonographic neighbors
Temporary values
Number of phonographic neighbors [ phg_neig_tot ]
Phonographic neighbors average frequency [ phg_neig_tot_med ]
List of phonographic neighbors [ phg_neig_tot_list ]
Number of orthographic syllables [ ort_syl_num ]
Orthographic syllable structure [ ort_syl_cv ]
Orthographic syllabification [ ort_syl_div ]
Number of words with the same orthograhic syllable structure [ ort_syl_cv_tp ]
Summed frequency of the orhographic syllable structure [ ort_syl_cv_tk ]
Mean frequency of the orthographic syllable structure [ ort_syl_cv_tk_med ]
Number of words sharing orthographic syllables with the stimulus [ ort_syl_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing syllables with the stimulus [ ort_syl_p_tp_med ]
Summed syllable frequency [ ort_syl_p_tk ]
Mean syllable frequency [ ort_syl_p_tk_med ]
Positional values
Syllable 1
Number of words sharing Syllable 1 in position 1 [ ort_syl_p_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 1 in position 1 [ ort_syl_p_tk_1 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 1 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 1 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_1 ]
Syllable 2
Number of words sharing Syllable 2 in position 2 [ ort_syl_p_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 2 in position 2 [ ort_syl_p_tk_2 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 2 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 2 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_2 ]
Syllable 3
Number of words sharing Syllable 3 in position 3 [ ort_syl_p_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 3 in position 3 [ ort_syl_p_tk_3 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 3 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 3 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_3 ]
Syllable 4
Number of words sharing Syllable 4 in position 4 [ ort_syl_p_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 4 in position 4 [ ort_syl_p_tk_4 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 4 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 4 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_4 ]
Syllable 5
Number of words sharing Syllable 5 in position 5 [ ort_syl_p_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 5 in position 5 [ ort_syl_p_tk_5 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 5 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 5 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_5 ]
Syllable 6
Number of words sharing Syllable 6 in position 6 [ ort_syl_p_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 6 in position 6 [ ort_syl_p_tk_6 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 6 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 6 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_6 ]
Syllable 7
Number of words sharing Syllable 7 in position 7 [ ort_syl_p_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 7 in position 7 [ ort_syl_p_tk_7 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 7 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 7 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_7 ]
Syllable 8
Number of words sharing Syllable 8 in position 8 [ ort_syl_p_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 8 in position 8 [ ort_syl_p_tk_8 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 8 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 8 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_8 ]
Syllable 9
Number of words sharing Syllable 9 in position 9 [ ort_syl_p_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 9 in position 9 [ ort_syl_p_tk_9 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 9 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 9 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_9 ]
Syllable 10
Number of words sharing Syllable 10 in position 10 [ ort_syl_p_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 10 in position 10 [ ort_syl_p_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 10 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 10 in any position [ ort_syl_ip_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing trigrams with the stimulus [ ort_tri_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing trigrams with the stimulus [ ort_tri_p_tp_med ]
Summed trigram frequency [ ort_tri_p_tk ]
Mean trigram frequency [ ort_tri_p_tk_med ]
Summed log trigram frequency [ ort_tri_p_sltf ]
Mean log trigram frequency [ ort_tri_p_mltf ]
Positional values
Trigram 1
Number of words sharing Trigram 1 in position 1 [ ort_tri_p_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 1 in position 1 [ ort_tri_p_tk_1 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 1 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_1 ]
Token frequency (Trigram 1) [ ort_tri_ip_tk_1 ]
Trigram 2
Number of words sharing Trigram 2 in position 2 [ ort_tri_p_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 2 in position 2 [ ort_tri_p_tk_2 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 2 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 2 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_2 ]
Trigram 3
Number of words sharing Trigram 3 in position 3 [ ort_tri_p_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 3 in position 3 [ ort_tri_p_tk_3 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 3 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 3 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_3 ]
Trigram 4
Number of words sharing Trigram 4 in position 4 [ ort_tri_p_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 4 in position 4 [ ort_tri_p_tk_4 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 4 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 4 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_4 ]
Trigram 5
Number of words sharing Trigram 5 in position 5 [ ort_tri_p_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 5 in position 5 [ ort_tri_p_tk_5 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 5 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 5 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_5 ]
Trigram 6
Number of words sharing Trigram 6 in position 6 [ ort_tri_p_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 6 in position 6 [ ort_tri_p_tk_6 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 6 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 6 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_6 ]
Trigram 7
Number of words sharing Trigram 7 in position 7 [ ort_tri_p_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 7 in position 7 [ ort_tri_p_tk_7 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 7 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 7 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_7 ]
Trigram 8
Number of words sharing Trigram 8 in position 8 [ ort_tri_p_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 8 in position 8 [ ort_tri_p_tk_8 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 8 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 8 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_8 ]
Trigram 9
Number of words sharing Trigram 9 in position 9 [ ort_tri_p_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 9 in position 9 [ ort_tri_p_tk_9 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 9 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 9 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_9 ]
Trigram 10
Number of words sharing Trigram 10 in position 10 [ ort_tri_p_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 10 in position 10 [ ort_tri_p_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 10 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 10 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_10 ]
Trigram 11
Number of words sharing Trigram 11 in position 11 [ ort_tri_p_tp_11 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 11 in position 11 [ ort_tri_p_tk_11 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 11 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_11 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 11 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_11 ]
Trigram 12
Number of words sharing Trigram 12 in position 12 [ ort_tri_p_tp_12 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 12 in position 12 [ ort_tri_p_tk_12 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 12 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_12 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 12 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_12 ]
Trigram 13
Number of words sharing Trigram 13 in position 13 [ ort_tri_p_tp_13 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 13 in position 13 [ ort_tri_p_tk_13 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 13 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_13 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 13 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_13 ]
Trigram 14
Number of words sharing Trigram 14 in position 14 [ ort_tri_p_tp_14 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 14 in position 14 [ ort_tri_p_tk_14 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 14 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_14 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 14 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_14 ]
Trigram 15
Number of words sharing Trigram 15 in position 15 [ ort_tri_p_tp_15 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 15 in position 15 [ ort_tri_p_tk_15 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 15 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_15 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 15 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_15 ]
Trigram 16
Number of words sharing Trigram 16 in position 16 [ ort_tri_p_tp_16 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 16 in position 16 [ ort_tri_p_tk_16 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 16 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_16 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 16 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_16 ]
Trigram 17
Number of words sharing Trigram 17 in position 17 [ ort_tri_p_tp_17 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 17 in position 17 [ ort_tri_p_tk_17 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 17 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_17 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 17 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_17 ]
Trigram 18
Number of words sharing Trigram 18 in position 18 [ ort_tri_p_tp_18 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 18 in position 18 [ ort_tri_p_tk_18 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 18 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_18 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 18 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_18 ]
Trigram 19
Number of words sharing Trigram 19 in position 19 [ ort_tri_p_tp_19 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 19 in position 19 [ ort_tri_p_tk_19 ]
Number of words sharing Trigram 19 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tp_19 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Trigram 19 in any position [ ort_tri_ip_tk_19 ]
Number of words sharing bigrams with the stimulus [ ort_big_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing bigrams with the stimulus [ ort_big_p_tp_med ]
Summed bigram frequency [ ort_big_p_tk ]
Mean bigram frequency [ ort_big_p_tk_med ]
Summed log bigram frequency [ ort_big_p_slbf ]
Mean log bigram frequency [ ort_big_p_mlbf ]
Positional values
Bigram 1
Number of words sharing Bigram 1 in position 1 [ ort_big_p_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 1 in position 1 [ ort_big_p_tk_1 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 1 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 1 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_1 ]
Bigram 2
Number of words sharing Bigram 2 in position 2 [ ort_big_p_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 2 in position 2 [ ort_big_p_tk_2 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 2 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 2 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_2 ]
Bigram 3
Number of words sharing Bigram 3 in position 3 [ ort_big_p_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 3 in position 3 [ ort_big_p_tk_3 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 3 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 3 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_3 ]
Bigram 4
Number of words sharing Bigram 4 in position 4 [ ort_big_p_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 4 in position 4 [ ort_big_p_tk_4 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 4 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 4 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_4 ]
Bigram 5
Number of words sharing Bigram 5 in position 5 [ ort_big_p_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 5 in position 5 [ ort_big_p_tk_5 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 5 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 5 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_5 ]
Bigram 6
Number of words sharing Bigram 6 in position 6 [ ort_big_p_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 6 in position 6 [ ort_big_p_tk_6 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 6 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 6 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_6 ]
Bigram 7
Number of words sharing Bigram 7 in position 7 [ ort_big_p_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 7 in position 7 [ ort_big_p_tk_7 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 7 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 7 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_7 ]
Bigram 8
Number of words sharing Bigram 8 in position 8 [ ort_big_p_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 8 in position 8 [ ort_big_p_tk_8 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 8 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 8 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_8 ]
Bigram 9
Number of words sharing Bigram 9 in position 9 [ ort_big_p_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 9 in position 9 [ ort_big_p_tk_9 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 9 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 9 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_9 ]
Bigram 10
Number of words sharing Bigram 10 in position 10 [ ort_big_p_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 10 in position 10 [ ort_big_p_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 10 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 10 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_10 ]
Bigram 11
Number of words sharing Bigram 11 in position 11 [ ort_big_p_tp_11 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 11 in position 11 [ ort_big_p_tk_11 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 11 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_11 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 11 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_11 ]
Bigram 12
Number of words sharing Bigram 12 in position 12 [ ort_big_p_tp_12 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 12 in position 12 [ ort_big_p_tk_12 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 12 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_12 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 12 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_12 ]
Bigram 13
Number of words sharing Bigram 13 in position 13 [ ort_big_p_tp_13 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 13 in position 13 [ ort_big_p_tk_13 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 13 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_13 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 13 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_13 ]
Bigram 14
Number of words sharing Bigram 14 in position 14 [ ort_big_p_tp_14 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 14 in position 14 [ ort_big_p_tk_14 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 14 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_14 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 14 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_14 ]
Bigram 15
Number of words sharing Bigram 15 in position 15 [ ort_big_p_tp_15 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 15 in position 15 [ ort_big_p_tk_15 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 15 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_15 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 15 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_15 ]
Bigram 16
Number of words sharing Bigram 16 in position 16 [ ort_big_p_tp_16 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 16 in position 16 [ ort_big_p_tk_16 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 16 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_16 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 16 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_16 ]
Bigram 17
Number of words sharing Bigram 17 in position 17 [ ort_big_p_tp_17 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 17 in position 17 [ ort_big_p_tk_17 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 17 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_17 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 17 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_17 ]
Bigram 18
Number of words sharing Bigram 18 in position 18 [ ort_big_p_tp_18 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 18 in position 18 [ ort_big_p_tk_18 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 18 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_18 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 18 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_18 ]
Bigram 19
Number of words sharing Bigram 19 in position 19 [ ort_big_p_tp_19 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 19 in position 19 [ ort_big_p_tk_19 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 19 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_19 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 19 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_19 ]
Bigram 20
Number of words sharing Bigram 20 in position 20 [ ort_big_p_tp_20 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 20 in position 20 [ ort_big_p_tk_20 ]
Number of words sharing Bigram 20 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tp_20 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Bigram 20 in any position [ ort_big_ip_tk_20 ]
Number of words sharing letters with the stimulus [ ort_let_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing letters with the stimulus [ ort_let_p_tp_med ]
Summed letter frequency [ ort_let_p_tk ]
Mean letter frequency [ ort_let_p_tk_med ]
Phonological indices
Number of phones [ fon_nfon ]
First phone [ fon_i ]
Phonological consonant-vowel structure [ fon_cv ]
Repeated phones [ fon_fon_rep ]
Phonetic transcription [ fon_trans ]
Reverse phonetic notation [ fon_inv ]
Number of phonological neighbors [ fon_neig_all_tot ]
List of phonological neighbors [ fon_neig_all_tot_list ]
Mean frequency of phonological neighbors [ fon_neig_all_tot_med ]
Number of higher frequency phonological neighbors [ fon_neig_all_tot_el ]
List of higher frequency phonological neighbors [ fon_neig_all_tot_el_list ]
Frequency of the highest frequency phonological neighbor [ fon_neig_all_tot_el_freq_max ]
Highest frequency phonological neighbor [ fon_neig_all_tot_el_max ]
Mean frequency of higher frequency phonological neighbors [ fon_neig_all_tot_el_med ]
Other neighbors
Transposed-letter neighbors
Phonographic neighbors
Transposed-letter neighbors
Number of transposition neighbors [ fon_neig_adj_tot ]
List of transposition neighbors [ fon_neig_adj_tot_list ]
Mean frequency of transposition neighbors [ fon_neig_adj_tot_med ]
Number of phonological syllables [ fon_syl_num ]
Phonological syllable structure [ fon_syl_cv ]
Phonological syllabification [ fon_syl_div ]
Stress pattern [ fon_syl_acc ]
Number of words with the same phonological syllable structure [ fon_syl_cv_tp ]
Summed frequency of the phonological syllable structure [ fon_syl_cv_tk ]
Mean frequency of the phonological syllable structure [ fon_syl_cv_tk_med ]
Number of words sharing phonological syllables with the stimulus [ fon_syl_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing syllables with the stimulus [ fon_syl_p_tp_med ]
Summed syllable frequency [ fon_syl_p_tk ]
Mean syllable frequency [ fon_syl_p_tk_med ]
Positional values
Syllable 1
Number of words sharing Syllable 1 in position 1 [ fon_syl_p_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 1 in position 1 [ fon_syl_p_tk_1 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 1 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 1 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_1 ]
Syllable 2
Number of words sharing Syllable 2 in position 2 [ fon_syl_p_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 2 in position 2 [ fon_syl_p_tk_2 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 2 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 2 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_2 ]
Syllable 3
Number of words sharing Syllable 3 in position 3 [ fon_syl_p_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 3 in position 3 [ fon_syl_p_tk_3 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 3 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 3 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_3 ]
Syllable 4
Number of words sharing Syllable 4 in position 4 [ fon_syl_p_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 4 in position 4 [ fon_syl_p_tk_4 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 4 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 4 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_4 ]
Syllable 5
Number of words sharing Syllable 5 in position 5 [ fon_syl_p_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 5 in position 5 [ fon_syl_p_tk_5 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 5 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 5 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_5 ]
Syllable 6
Number of words sharing Syllable 6 in position 6 [ fon_syl_p_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 6 in position 6 [ fon_syl_p_tk_6 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 6 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 6 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_6 ]
Syllable 7
Number of words sharing Syllable 7 in position 7 [ fon_syl_p_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 7 in position 7 [ fon_syl_p_tk_7 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 7 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 7 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_7 ]
Syllable 8
Number of words sharing Syllable 8 in position 8 [ fon_syl_p_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 8 in position 8 [ fon_syl_p_tk_8 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 8 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 8 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_8 ]
Syllable 9
Number of words sharing Syllable 9 in position 9 [ fon_syl_p_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 9 in position 9 [ fon_syl_p_tk_9 ]
fon_syl_ip_tp_9.name [ fon_syl_ip_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 9 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_9 ]
Syllable 10
Number of words sharing Syllable 2 in position 2 [ fon_syl_p_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 10 in position 10 [ fon_syl_p_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing Syllable 10 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Syllable 10 in any position [ fon_syl_ip_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing biphones with the stimulus [ fon_bif_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing biphones with the stimulus [ fon_bif_p_tp_med ]
Summed biphone frequency [ fon_bif_p_tk ]
Mean biphone frequency [ fon_bif_p_tk_med ]
Summed log biphone frequency [ fon_bif_p_slbf ]
Mean log biphone frequency [ fon_bif_p_mlbf ]
Positional values
Biphones 1
Number of words sharing Biphone 1 in position 1 [ fon_bif_p_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 1 in position 1 [ fon_bif_p_tk_1 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 1 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_1 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 1 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_1 ]
Biphones 2
Number of words sharing Biphone 2 in position 2 [ fon_bif_p_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 2 in position 2 [ fon_bif_p_tk_2 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 2 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_2 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 2 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_2 ]
Biphones 3
Number of words sharing Biphone 3 in position 3 [ fon_bif_p_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 3 in position 3 [ fon_bif_p_tk_3 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 3 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_3 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 3 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_3 ]
Biphones 4
Number of words sharing Biphone 4 in position 4 [ fon_bif_p_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 4 in position 4 [ fon_bif_p_tk_4 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 4 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_4 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 4 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_4 ]
Biphones 5
Number of words sharing Biphone 5 in position 5 [ fon_bif_p_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 5 in position 5 [ fon_bif_p_tk_5 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 5 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_5 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 5 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_5 ]
Biphones 6
Number of words sharing Biphone 6 in position 6 [ fon_bif_p_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 6 in position 6 [ fon_bif_p_tk_6 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 6 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_6 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 6 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_6 ]
Biphones 7
Number of words sharing Biphone 7 in position 7 [ fon_bif_p_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 7 in position 7 [ fon_bif_p_tk_7 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 7 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_7 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 7 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_7 ]
Biphones 8
Number of words sharing Biphone 8 in position 8 [ fon_bif_p_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 8 in position 8 [ fon_bif_p_tk_8 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 8 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_8 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 8 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_8 ]
Biphones 9
Number of words sharing Biphone 9 in position 9 [ fon_bif_p_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 9 in position 9 [ fon_bif_p_tk_9 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 9 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_9 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 9 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_9 ]
Biphones 10
Number of words sharing Biphone 10 in position 10 [ fon_bif_p_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 10 in position 10 [ fon_bif_p_tk_10 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 10 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_10 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 10 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_10 ]
Biphones 11
Number of words sharing Biphone 11 in position 11 [ fon_bif_p_tp_11 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 11 in position 11 [ fon_bif_p_tk_11 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 11 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_11 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 11 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_11 ]
Biphones 12
Number of words sharing Biphone 12 in position 12 [ fon_bif_p_tp_12 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 12 in position 12 [ fon_bif_p_tk_12 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 12 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_12 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 12 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_12 ]
Biphones 13
Number of words sharing Biphone 13 in position 13 [ fon_bif_p_tp_13 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 13 in position 13 [ fon_bif_p_tk_13 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 13 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_13 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 13 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_13 ]
Biphones 14
Number of words sharing Biphone 14 in position 14 [ fon_bif_p_tp_14 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 14 in position 14 [ fon_bif_p_tk_14 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 14 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_14 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 14 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_14 ]
Biphones 15
Number of words sharing Biphone 15 in position 15 [ fon_bif_p_tp_15 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 15 in position 15 [ fon_bif_p_tk_15 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 15 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_15 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 15 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_15 ]
Biphones 16
Number of words sharing Biphone 16 in position 16 [ fon_bif_p_tp_16 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 16 in position 16 [ fon_bif_p_tk_16 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 16 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_16 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 16 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_16 ]
Biphones 17
Number of words sharing Biphone 17 in position 17 [ fon_bif_p_tp_17 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 17 in position 17 [ fon_bif_p_tk_17 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 17 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_17 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 17 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_17 ]
Biphones 18
Number of words sharing Biphone 18 in position 18 [ fon_bif_p_tp_18 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 18 in position 18 [ fon_bif_p_tk_18 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 18 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_18 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 18 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_18 ]
Biphones 19
Number of words sharing Biphone 19 in position 19 [ fon_bif_p_tp_19 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 19 in position 19 [ fon_bif_p_tk_19 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 19 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_19 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 19 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_19 ]
Biphones 20
Number of words sharing Biphone 20 in position 20 [ fon_bif_p_tp_20 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 20 in position 20 [ fon_bif_p_tk_20 ]
Number of words sharing Biphone 20 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tp_20 ]
Summed frequency of the words sharing Biphone 20 in any position [ fon_bif_ip_tk_20 ]
Number of words sharing phones with the stimulus [ fon_fon_p_tp ]
Mean number of words sharing phones with the stimulus [ fon_fon_p_tp_med ]
Summed phone frequency [ fon_fon_p_tk ]
Mean phone frequency [ fon_fon_p_tk_med ]